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Dino-Soaring Info

Speaking parts have been assigned and students received their slips on Friday. Ideally, these parts will be memorized, but I will have backup copies at the performance. Students need to practice at home in a slow, strong, and clear voice. If your child lost their slip, there is a link on the 1st/2nd show tab where you can download the speaking parts and see the order of readers.

Also, check out the video below to dance along with me on Dino Dance! Music is available on YouTube if you search for "Walk the Dinosaur".

Several kiddos have asked about different shirts and if it would be acceptable for the performance. Our goal is to look "jungle" so shades of brown, green, blue, black are preferred. Solid colors are best so designs don't distract from the uniform look. Don't feel like you have to purchase a new shirt just for this performance; wear the closest thing you have on hand. If you're still unsure, ask me.

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