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MIOSM: Music In Our Schools Month

March is Music in Our Schools Month and a great time to reflect on how much plays a part in all of our lives from professional musicians to people who simply enjoy listening to music while they drive. MIOSM started back in 1973 and promotes the benefits of high quality music education programs in schools. Schools nationwide take time to celebrate the gift of music through concerts, reflection, and advocacy.

Here at Wilson, we asked our incredible staff to share how music plays different roles in their lives. Were they in music ensembles when they were in school? Do they still play music? What are their favorite genres? It’s been super fun reading the responses and getting to know our Wildcat family a little bit better. In the primary hallway is a “Who Am I” board where you can read their responses. Only catch, they’re anonymous! I’ll reveal who belongs with each card on Friday, March 16 during conferences.

Also in the primary hall you’ll find a display of “31 Reasons Why Music is Important”. Every day, a new card is flipped over to reveal a benefit music gives our lives. We’ve already seen that “Music improves our reading skills” and “Music improves our vocabulary”. I wonder what the rest of the month will reveal!

Don't forget there's plenty of ways you can support MIOSM at home. Here's a few suggestions from the NAfME website:

- Encourage family members to list ways in which music is a part of their everyday lives. Have them compare lists with friends and family members.

- Cut out pictures of music and musicians to create a collage board.

- Challenge each other to design an instrument of the future and share their creation.

- Don’t forget music programs at the college level too - check out OSU and LBCC’s music departments for free concerts and recitals.

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